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JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE Reveals Alien Life Exists

12th July, 2022
Human history day was change that day. World realize the fact of deep Space. Human history when finally human know the Existence of Aliens Species. 25th December, 2021 James Webb telescope was launched And telescope send a really interesting images to scientists that reveals so many things of space mystery 

In this blog we can understand the fact that why this image is different from normal image and we understand the scientific fact behind this image that send by the James Webb telescope


    This is the first image send by the James Webb telescope and i know you would say this type of image every telescope can what is the difference ? well this image was oldest and first born galaxy [13.1 BILLONS YEARS OLD] scientist has give the name called as GALAXY CLUSTER [ SMACS 0723 ] . Scientists has said that billions of billons year before when gas or dust cloud has coalesce into stars first light is form  and than light has started space travel and finally crore mile light travel and reached to the James Webb telescope. This image click is not easy because normal telescope only focus on bright objects and to tackle this problem scientists has develop new camera that is NIRcam

    NIRcam basically brightest object is block and only focus on low light object .When  any telescope or camera click a image have you wonder a around the bright object there is spike well basically this spike called as DIFFRACTION SPIKE actually any bright light source  diffraction spikes radiate create and it is usually said STARBURST EFFECT or SUNSTARS

  Now second discovery of JWST found exo-planet in which there is 90% chances of Aliens Species and those image is a SPECTRUM OF GAS GIANT PLANET WASP-96B


This planet is far from our earth about 1,150 light year and this is the first spectrum of any exo-planet 
basically spectrum give the information about elements are present in any elements like Oxygen, methane , carbon dioxide and water like molecules those supports the life on planet.
   When the first spectrum is find for this planet and scientists find that the lots of water vapour on this planet are presents and every one knows that those place is have lots of water that has chance of living organism is more and further study reveals that the other elements chances is 90% scientists has said
and there is possibilities in future that mars or titan with wasb-96b planets are habitable for human life 

   Well one side forming a real life another side James webb telescope find another image


  This image show the death of the star this star is about 2000 light year far from earth. ordinary stars like or star slowly-slowly crores years release their inside mass is ejected and this process is occuring same in this case. In this image every layer is represent a  quantity of mass that star is ejected those is layer is near to stare that is most recent ejected mass. Now as we all know light is come us on a crores year after and there is a chance that that star is converted into a white dwarf  and same as that our sun also convert into a white dwarf after 5 billion year.
  And like this events takes a crore of years and that why I feel that universe is stop in one place but actually you will be quite surprise to know that our universe is doing a cosmic dance and exactly this is our fourth image that send by the James Webb telescope 


  In this image left most galaxy is 40 million light years far away and now compare to other galaxies  290 millions light years far away. Normal telescope toe create one images it click 10-20 images but for this image total 1000 images capture and merge into one. This image basically tells that how two galaxies colloids and form a huge shock waves but in this image you also see a orange color that scientist tell that with galaxies black hole also presents and those black hole mass is more than 20 million times is large than our sun and last image that send by the James Webb telescope is

  This is the stars childhood image it is actually  present in nebula  it is gaseous cavity edge it is around 7 light years/66,225 crore km high and it big mountains made by  nebula radiate hot ionized gases 
   Actually distant galaxies and universe finding process started in year of 1990 for this purpose Hubble telescope was launched with the help of Hubble telescope scientists know the edge of the universe, rate of its extension, black hole , moons and exo-planets and another celestial body but Hubble telescope has one draw back that capture image is occurring blur and send it to scientists and that why to solve this problem scientists launched James Webb telescope in 2021
  James Webb telescope is basically successful of Hubble telescope  and this is more powerful and sophisticated to Hubble telescope 
  James Webb telescope is captured a many images till now and few of them is explain it on above the blog and one of others images is  2MASS J17554042+6551277 this name is given to this image according to this coordinates and simple language it is a red giant in this image this stars is about 2000 light years far away to our sun and this stars is to reach there final evolution....

(     This information in this blog is according to our research and it is 100% real so don't worry about that this blog information is fake if you than you can also check on Google )


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